A lot of people were happy to see the end of 2020. A tough year for everyone in the industry, but still many beautiful photos to be found out in the Wildernis. Here are some of our favorites. Photographer: Adam and Shawn Photographer: Adam Levi Browne Photographer: Ale Bigliazzi Photographer: Andrew Rae Photographer: Angela Nelson Photographer: Barefoot & Bearded Photographer: Benjamin Wheeler Photographer: Brittany Boote Photographer: Yuki Photographer: Sarah Tonkin Photographer: Rebecca Carroll Photographer: Ralf Schilberg Photographer: Mariola and Kamil Photographer: Maley Photographer: Kevin Biberbach Photographer: Kate & Calder Photographer: Mikala and Jesse Photographer: James Hirata Photographer: Dan Photographer: Colby & Jess