Welcome to Wildernis!

We’re an editing outsourcing lab for wedding & engagement photographers.

Our purpose is to save you time, which you can then spend on more important things: growing your business, building your social media game, networking and living your own life.

We also aim to make the process as easy as possible. And we promise to deliver quality and value.

If at any stage you feel unsure about the process below, SEND US AN EMAIL! We’d be happy to schedule a time to chat.

Watch the video below:

Create & Share

Create your free account & share your style with us

Prepare Your Images

Get your lightroom catelogue ready for upload.


Order your first job!


Netflix and chill.


Send us your feedback. If you’re not 100% happy, we’ll revise and rework!

STEP 1 Create Your Account

Creating your free account is simple: simply click on the My Account tab and fill out the info. Be sure to check the “Would you like to use our editing service” box. This will open up more fields that will provide us with information about your style.

More info about these options will be covered below.

STEP 2 Prepare your lightroom catelogue

The best way to have us edit your images is to send us your Lightroom catelog and smart previews.

Thankfully this is a pretty simple process! (If you don’t own Lightroom we won’t be able to help, unfortunately. Our whole process is based around Lightroom’s catelog export function.)

The steps you need to follow are below:

1. Import your images into Lightroom.
2. Create a Collection, and add your images to it.
3. Make sure to note the total number of images in your collection, and consider how many final images you would like edited. Be sure to over-estimate the number, so you can reduce your final collection further when you review it.

You should have two numbers in mind:

Total Number of Images
Number of Images to Edit

These number will be used later, when ordering.

4. (optional) Apply your preferred preset to the images.
5. Select all the images within your Collection, and go to File -> Export As Catelog.
6. Include your name and the couple’s name in the filename.
7. Be sure to check the second box: Build / Include Smart Previews. Leave the other boxes unchecked.
8. You will now have a folder, entitled: CoupleName_PhotographerName. Within that folder there will be a folder containing the smart previews, and a .lrcat file.

9. Zip this folder and upload it to dropbox, wetransfer or google drive.

STEP 3 Order

Log into your account, make sure your Editing Profile is up to date, and click on New Order to begin the ordering process. Be sure to include the link to your catelog!

STEP 4-5 Chill & Feedback

Relax while we edit your photos! When we’ve finished we’ll send you an email, and you will find your finished catelog file in your download tab of your My Account page.


Is it free to create an account?

Absolutely – no commitment necessary! And once you do create an account, you’ll be able to explore a whole bunch of options.

Can I give feedback or request revisions?

Yes! We provide a feedback tool that you enables you to easily share your thoughts about an order – positive or negative – and even request a re-edit.

Is there a way to try out the service?

Just create an account, and we will automatically apply a 50% discount to your first order. This is a great way to try our service without spending too much. Submit as little as 20 or 30 images, or just send us a whole wedding to start!

How do the editors know my style?

When you create an account with Wildernis, we’ll ask a whole bunch of questions about your style. You can share galleries with us, your website, or examples of other people’s work. You might even want to send us your favorite preset, or apply your preset to the images before you send them over. And if your style changes over time, it’s easy to update your Editing Style in your account!

How fast is the turnaround?

We aim to have a wedding finished in 1-2 weeks from order.

Why do you charge in USD?

We pay our employees in USD and most of our clients are from North America. It makes sense this way.

Can I talk to someone to see if Wildernis Lab is a good fit for my business?

Sure! Pop over to our contact page – you can send us a message and arrange for a phone or skype chat.