Culling Only ( 3-4 Days)


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Shoot Name (Please use the couple's name, or some other unique identifier)
Use your own dropbox / google drive / we transfer or other link
culling only (select the total number of files in your catelog)
0-2000 Files ($50 USD)
2000-4000 Files ($65 USD)
4000-6000 Files ($80 USD)
6000-10000+ Files ($95USD)
10000-15000 Files ($110 USD)
Number of Images to aim for
Please enter the number of images you want us to aim for so we can calculate the cropping & straightening
Add cropping & straightening (5c/image)
Culling & Cropping Notes (For this order only. For general notes for all orders, please fill out your Editing Profile)
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Image by Gabe Mcclintock